
200 Different Brand Grow Lights From Amazon?

Posted by Waston Chen on

In fact, there are many choices for Grow Light on the Amazon Website. And as I search wrong keyword on the website, I find 200 different brands there based on the search, you can find the link in the reference.  And  the products are listed  on the Google Sheet. The Google Sheet Link at the end of this post. I got confused about how others to choose the Grow Light. (Different Grow Light Brands) Types Of Light Source There are 5 different types light source, including fluorescent, compact fluorescent, metal halide, high pressure sodium, LED. Sadly, It is really hard...

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Top List Of DIY LED Grow Lights Projects

Posted by Waston Chen on

Some of you may has known the LED Grow Lights. Now, we can grow plants in the basement, even in the kitchen in your own home at anytime with LED grow lights. Even more, How about the PFC(Personal Food Computer)? We can help to develop the Plant in the Space! There are various types of LED grow lights which can be purchased in the market, the prices are from $3 to $1000. If you got no help with the products and products, we can build the LED grow lights by learning others' projects. One day, you can harvested in your home. Here...

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Build A 100W LED Grow Light At Home

Posted by Waston Chen on

We are knowing some products, but there are good products and bad ones. But it might takes lots time to get the right products.  Open the We are getting confused. Lots of produts, lot of price, lots of comments, someones said good, some said bad.  We are around lots of products, but no one can tell us why and how to.  Let us get some fun! DIY! We can find others' project in the youtube. Now let us watch the video one by one. 1, DIY 100W 7-Band Multi-spectrum LED Growlight - Jim Conner   2 , Testing: 100 W LED...

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What is inside the Amazon hot selling LED Grow Light Bulb?

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Good Tips For Your Indoor Gardening Project

Posted by Waston Chen on

Good Tips For Your Indoor Gardening Project

In the winter or some days, many people miss having fresh garden produce, and many are willing also grow it indoors. But planting indoors is a bit challenging. When we have fresh tomatoes on a sandwich or fresh peas on a winter salad makes it worth the effort. Growing plants in a green house is an option for providing winter produce, but heating and lighting can be expensive. A more cost-effective method is to provide additional lighting and optimal temperatures and grow plants in the home. Below is the most plant Absorption Spectra Of Pigments, you can find the Chlorophyll...

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