Aluminum Extrusion Heat Sinks In Factory
Posted by Waston Chen on
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Unboxing Sun System PAR meter w/remote Sensor
Posted by Waston Chen on
LED Grow Light Test
Posted by Waston Chen on
LED Grow Light. There are tons of LED Grow Lights on the market, you can search on the Google, Amazon, Ebay, even Alibaba, Aliexpress and so on. We are inundated with lots of advices on where to buy the grow lights, we hear little little little little little of why and how. I have one experiment at home. Make A small Garden Box like below: After near 50 days, Now It looks like this. What is going on there? Build up test 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...
$100 LED Grow Light Teardown
Posted by Waston Chen on
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LED lighting product Death
Posted by Waston Chen on
Everything will die. Yes. What to do when LED lamps & Driver fail? Although for the most part LED lamps have proven themselves to be extremely resilient and long-lasting -both in terms of their lighting life and structure that does not mean that an LED lamp never will never fail. If something happened during the manufacturing process to make the lamp faulty or not as strong. you could end up with an LED lamp that goes out well before its time. And there are other factors that can lead to LED lighting failing. Make sure that you are full educated...